
Executive Board, 2012-2013

Catherine Morse
Government Documents Librarian
Hatcher Graduate Library Documents Center
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1205
Telephone : (734) 936-2333
E-Mail : cmorse@umich.edu
Term expires Spring 2014

President-Elect/Program Chair

Bernadette Bartlett
Michigan Documents Librarian
Library of Michigan
.O. Box 30007
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48909
Telephone : (517) 373-2971
Email: bartlettb@michigan.gov
Term expires Spring 2013

Kim Fournier
Schoolcraft College Library
18600 Haggerty Road
Livonia MI 48152
Telephone : (734) 462-4400
Email Address: kfournie@schoolcraft.edu
Term expires Spring 2013

Claudia Diaz
Albion College
Stockwell-Mudd Library
Albion, MI 49224-1879
Phone (W): (517) 629-0386
Email Address: cdiaz@albion.edu
Term expires Spring 2012

Eric Kennedy
Reference & Administrative Services Librarian
Thomas M. Cooley Brennan Law Library
PO Box 13038
Lansing MI 48901 Email Address: kennedye@cooley.edu
Term expires Spring 2013

Red Tape Editor
Jon Harrison
Social Sciences Collections Coordinator
Michigan State University
366 W. Circle Drive
E. Lansing, MI 48824
Telephone: (517) 884-0855
Email: harris23@mail.lib.msu.edu