Manual of Duties, Revised January 2001


  • Run GODORT business meetings.
  • Arrange and run executive board meetings.
  • Present the annual report at the annual spring meeting.
  • Coordinate with the Thurston Award Committee.
  • Write letters on behalf of GODORT at the request of the membership.
  • Decide, with the executive board, any changes in annual membership fees, and present this to the membership at the annual spring meeting.
  • In January appoint a nominating committee for executive board officers whose term is expiring.
  • Coordinate ballots for the election, or appoint someone to do so.
  • Appoint Liaison to Michigan Council of Depository Libraries

Past President

  • Make a list of new executive board officers and send it to each one. Include position, institution, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.
  • Make sure newly-elected executive board officers have a copy of the current bylaws.
  • Have new GODORT letterhead and envelopes printed as necessary.

President-Elect/Program Chair

  • Coordinate at least 2 programs, one of which is to be the annual spring meeting. Include time on the programs for business meetings of GODORT (as a whole, not the executive board meetings).
  • Coordinate name tags, printed programs/agendas, and registrations.


  • Keep minutes of GODORT business meetings and executive board meetings.
  • Type changes to the by-laws when amended and distribute these to the executive board and the Red Tape Editor.
  • Maintain the GODORT Calendar.
  • Maintain the GODORT Manual of Duties.


  • Keep the organization’s accounts (track the income from membership, program registrations, etc.).
  • Balance the checkbook.
  • Present annual or semi-annual report on the State of the Treasury.
  • Maintain the membership list (up-to-date name and address information, membership year’s paid). Provide the membership information to the Red Tape Editor for mailings.
  • Write checks to cover organizational expenses relating to meetings and other business (reimbursement for postage, etc.)
  • Bring the checkbook, receipt book, and membership forms to GODORT meetings.
  • Send an acknowledgement letter to new members.


  • Coordinate award nominations:
  • Put a note in Red Tape early in the calendar year asking for nominations for the Lifetime Achievement and Jennie awards; announce at meetings, etc.
  • Present nominations to the executive board for decisions on awardees.
  • Send a letter to the awardees notifying them; ask them to come to the annual meeting for presentation. (GODORT will pay for their program fee). Copy this letter to the Program Chair.
  • Have plaques/bowls made for the awardees in time for the annual spring meeting.
  • Maintain a file of applications for the Boyles Professional Development Award.

Liaison to Michigan Council of Depository Libraries

  • Attend meetings of the Michigan Federal Depository Libraries Council (MFDLC.)
  • Solicit the views and positions of the members of GODORT of Michigan and represent these views and positions to the MFDLC.
  • Present a written or oral report to the executive board after each meeting of the MFDLC.

Red Tape Editor

  • Edit the newsletter.
  • Oversee the publishing and distribution of the newsletter, in print and electronic formats.
  • Update the mailing list for the newsletter with the membership information provided by the Treasurer.
  • Maintain the GODORT of Michigan Website.

Prepared by Kim Ranger, Grand Valley State University, 6/95.
Updated by Barbara Glover, Eastern Michigan University, 9/00.
Updated by Barbara Glover, Eastern Michigan University, 1/01.


Manual of Duties, June 1995